Escort London and the Rings

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The connection between women and jewelry dates back to the Egyptian era. Women have been wearing different jewels to accentuate their beauty and thus look more beautiful. A careful selection of jewels would add great value not only to their beauty but also to their womanhood.

An escort London uses her rings to reveal her mood. Identifying the true reason why these escorts wear such rings is not easy at all, as many escorts think of wearing different kinds of rings for different moods.

It’s believed that if an escort London wears a ring on her ring finger, she really longs for sensual pleasures. It’s also supposed that such an escort would be at her romantic best while accompanying clients, and wouldn’t leave out any opportunity to make extreme love.

If an Escort London is spotted with a ring on her middle finger, she might be looking to portray her thirst for quenching her wild desires. An important aspect to look for in this case is the ring’s size, as it is linked up with the wearer’s nature.

Wearing a ring on this finger is supposed to be a sign of mental fortitude, will and power. It’s greatly believed that even modest and timid escorts gain great confidence when they sport one such ring on their forefingers. Escorts wearing rings on their forefingers are supposed to be influential women who like to make decisions, and manage men better. They like to take in praises, and wouldn’t mind being appreciated at all.

To wear rings on the thumbs is a sign of being extremely self-assured and showy. Those who wear rings on this finger are supposed to be ambitious and very special. On the other hand, if an escort London has a ring on her little finger, you can be sure that she is a playful, flirtatious character.

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